Welcome to Geneva Day School!
Thank you for touring our website to learn more about the many qualities
and practices that contribute to Geneva’s success over the decades.
Geneva is a traditional pre-school and kindergarten program, so we focus on
the whole child, as well as learning in all developmental growth areas. Together with parents, all staff are involved in the important and systematic process of assessment. By understanding how young students function, our teaching teams design appropriate programs to address individual capabilities and interests.
Though every class may follow a similar schedule, each is unique in that it reflects the special qualities of students and their teaching teams. Healthy snacks, daily outdoor recess, as well as extraordinary programs, weekly specialized Art classes for students three years and older, and monthly felt board story times are provided. Periodically, the entire school celebrates cultural events.
Though all classes are dedicated to age-appropriate early literacy, math, and science, an important focus for students is practicing appropriate social-emotional skills. School is an ideal place to learn sharing and cooperation with peers, self-regulation and manners, as well as how to work in small groups, make good choices, and care for oneself and one's classroom.
Integrated throughout our curriculum is Environmental Education with an emphasis on conserving and recycling resources, plus lessons about the natural world. Nature and creek walks, as well as visits to farms and nature centers, promote stewardship of the environment. Geneva celebrates three outdoors events, Harvest, Earth, and Field Days, with all students.
The school is fortunate to have a highly engaged Geneva Parents' Association (GPA) which arranges family, community, and other events throughout the year. All parents are automatic members.
As there is much more to learn about the school, we invite you to visit us at your convenience. See for yourself how your child could benefit from a Geneva education and how we “encourage a lifelong love of learning.” Just call the Office to arrange a time to visit and be sure to bring your prospective student(s) along.
We look forward to meeting you!
Welcome from Director Lizama